
We offer our research expertise for educational institutions, government agencies, business entities, industries, policy making organizations, NGOs, and individuals.

Research Projects

We develop research proposals and carry out research projects exploring the resource linkages (energy, land, water and ecosystems) to reduce the carbon foot print and address climate change and its related impacts (including hazards) to meet the needs of the community and decision makers.

  • Carry out in-depth and innovative  research (sponsored and own funded) fore-fronting climate change.
  • Explore the linkages, causes, impacts of climate change in various sectors viz. Agriculture, Water, energy and industries
  • Conduct science and policy research to address challenges of climate change
  • Take up action research and development planning focusing on the needs of the community.

Research Consultations

  • Provide consultations in climate change research to meet needs of the researchers, communities, governments, business and industries
  • Help to develop research questions and research methodology addressing individual problems
  • Efficient tools for collection, management and visualisation of data
  • Supervision of individual research

Training and workshops

We conduct trainings and workshops for addressing

  • Climate change
  • Resource use and climate linkages,
  • Integrated resource (energy, land, water) management in industries, agriculture and households
  • Flood risk reduction for individual sectors  
  • Disaster risk reduction strategies


We provide consultancy in climate change and related services for various sectors to

  • Prepare Disaster Management Plan for institutions/industries
  • Develop flood risk reduction plans
  • Reduce carbon foot-print through reduction in energy consumption
  • Conduct energy audit and implementation of recommendations for improving energy efficiency
  • Climate resilient agriculture and infrastructures

Institutional / Industry Support Programmes

We equip communities (including LSGs), institutions and industries in collaboration with  educational institutions through

  • Support and equip industries/institutions to deal with increasing threats of climate change related disasters and to address climate change through innovative ideas to reduce carbon foot print through improving energy efficiency
  • Taking up activities to reduce the climate change related risks
  • Technical support for adapting  to a changing climate and uncertainties  (preparedness, strategies to risk reduction, adaptions)
  • Conducting training to address various aspects of climate change  among multiple stakeholders.

We also help farmer’s societies/ groups

  • Provide technical support to prepare proposals for renovation and restoration of existing irrigation facilities to improve water efficiency and availability
  • Provide tools and climate information to adapt to a changing climate  and related risks
  • Create online repository on information, knowledge, technology and practices across the globe to adapt to climate change in agriculture
  • Conduct climate change impact assessments and adaptation strategies in the farming sector at local level in association with educational  institutions

Interventions in Energy Sector

  • Design energy efficiency improvement programmes for policy interventions
  • Conduct in-plant assessment and studies for resource efficiency bench marking with respect to resources such as raw materials, energy, water and waste streams.
  • Awareness building and information dissemination on resource efficiency and low-carbon technology
  • Carry out structured internal training and capacity building programme for industries.
  • Develop internal documentation system for effective management review of critical resources
  • Publication of Fact sheets, best practices, publicity materials, Handbooks and other technical resources relating to resource efficiency and cleaner technologies.
  • Supporting industries to implement identified energy saving measures through behaviour change programmes